Past few days on Eventide

A collation of pictures

By Luke


This is a picture of the cliffs at the anchorage were in. On Monday morning, we took the boat just around the corner, out of Smuggler’s Cove and over to Scorpion Cove. Because there were caves in the cliffs, so we took out the dink and explored them. But the wind started to build in the afternoon, so we headed back around the corner

2. waves


These are photos of the waves that we thought precluded use form going a shore until Tuesday when we saw someone go ashore by anchoring the dingy out and then swimming in. so after school, we went ashore the same way. We anchored the dingy out of the break and then Aidan when ashore. Once he made it ashore safe and gave us a double thumps up and the rest of us headed ashore. The reason the wave break was so big was that the waves were slamming into each other, the rebounding waves would hit the incoming waves. At first it was pretty easy but as we got closer to shore we started to get close to the break it started to get scary. So I swam for shore as fast could so that the next wave would not break on me, but I just managed to right where the wave was breaking but we made it ashore on to a very steep beach. Then we went for a hike. The way back to the dink was less eventful.

3. Dolphins  


These are some photos of the dolphins that we saw on the way from Santa Cruz to Anacapa. We left Santa Cruz that morning and while our ultimate destination was channel harbor Marina, we stopped at Anacapa to go snorkeling. The snorkeling was amazing. We saw all sorts of fish and swam through a kelp forest. we even saw two rays. There were also a lot of caves. Though they were hard to get to because there was a lot of kelp blocking the entrances. However we managed to get into one of the caves and accidentally scared away a sea lion which terrified me. When we were finished snorkeling we got in the dinghy and tried to find a way into another one of the caves without sea lions. But we got caught right in the middle of a bait ball there were dolphins swimming around the dinghy everywhere and Pelicans dive bombing the water right next to us. We even caught some of the dolphins on the GoPro which we stuck underwater.

4. Dredging machine


When we were done snorkeling, we headed a to Channel Islands harbor. The entrance was a bit scary because the waves we’re getting larger. So, we were scared about the waves and then all of a sudden, we saw this huge dredging machine that was pumping sand out off the bottom and onto the beach in in the entrance to the harbor. It was terrifying because there was a floating pipe going off half of it that was blocking off the path and the other side there was two smaller barges that were pulling the ropes to adjust where the dredging machine was. Once we were in the harbor we went to the dock where we would check in and get a slip assignment. Mamie, Holden, and Cora went to go walk up to where the harbor patrol would give them the slip assignment. But there was a sea lion in the way! The harbor patrol officer had to come and scare it away. Then we went to our slip and the boat was not rocking for the first time in 72 hours because while Santa Cruz and Anacapa were beautiful they we’re not great for anchoring at because they were not natural coves.


Channel Islands Harbor-Painted Cave-Catalina


Mission Far North