Fishing Trip

By Holden

On Tuesday, we went on a fishing trip. We left at about 7 AM. The boat captain was Hans. Mario was the fisherman.

We caught bait for two hours in Melaque. The bait was sardines. We caught them with a net.

 After that we went to pick up Tristan and Nate, who were at Secret Anchorage. They were on a boat called Pilot. They are our friends. We met them in Chemela.

We took the panga to the point and went fishing. There was an underwater rock near the point. We went to an underwater rock, and we cast lines.We put sardines on the hooks at the end of the fishing lines. They were alive.

 We caught some fish. The first fish we caught was a Jack fish. It is grey colored. The one that we caught was really big. Tristan caught it. It was hard to reel it in because the fish was pulling back. We threw the Jack fish back in the ocean because it was not good to eat.

Luke caught the next fish. Luke is my brother. He caught a Rainbow Runner. It had blue stripes on it and the rest of it was green. It is a good fish to eat so we kept it. We ate it for dinner.

Aidan caught the next fish. It was a needle fish. It was skinny and had a long mouth full of sharp teeth. We threw it back in the ocean because it was not good to eat.

 We had a hard time catching more fish, so we trolled three fishing lines with rapallas on them. It is a lure that dives down deep. We went along the rocks right off the point. We caught the fourth fish with these lures. It was called a Chuula. It was fat and short. It was good to eat, so Pilot took it on their boat for dinner.

We went back to the rock for a little bit to do some more casting. We caught one more needle fish. We put it back in the water because it was not good to eat. My mom and I caught it, and I reeled it in. The needle fish was really strong so it was hard to reel in.

 I learned a lot about fishing during the trip. I learned that it’s bad to troll right after the full moon because the fish have been eating all night. I also learned that the fish liked different temperatures of water. For example, the Mahi Mahi’s like warm water.

I liked going on the fishing trip. It was really interesting, and I think going out with local experts is good because they know a lot about the fish there.


Isla Coronado


Dragon Keys